Marketing Information System (MIS)

Marketing Information System:

The information needed by marketing managers to analyzer, gather, sort, & distribute information related to users of system.

The marketing manager can extract information from internal company records, marketing intelligence, & marketing research.

For marketing information system (MIS), Marketing manager can get their information from internal company record, marketing intelligence, & marketing research.

Internal company record:

Internal company records are used regularly in daily marketing planning. From accounts department can provide financial statement & accounts reports can clear complete record of sales, expenses incurred on such sales, & cash flows. The sales persons report can clear about the completion faced by an organization, from logistics department report will clear the inventory, shipment status, delivery of goods, etc.. from these & other departments reports can help manger to make such decision which will be problem less & can assess the performance of an organization.
Internal company records are quicker & cheaper way gets any information about a company. But there is some limitation, it may be wrong or incomplete & but marketers need much more information to make quick & easy decision.

Marketing Intelligence:

Information is used to daily activities in world related to their business. By this information marketer can plan their daily activities effectively. This information can be extract from so many different sources, such as personal, executive, engineers, & sales person, as sales persons are dealing directly in the market at ground level they can provide valuable information. 


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